Dark and Dark Flats Library
Dark and Dark Flats Library – Using N.I.N.A. and PixInsight One of the advantages with a cooled astro camera is
Dark and Dark Flats Library – Using N.I.N.A. and PixInsight One of the advantages with a cooled astro camera is
NGC 7822 or the Teddybear Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cepheus in the northern sky. The
I find it challenging with phenomena or objects that are limited in such a way that they are only visible
Continue readingComet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) – Mono LRGB capture and PixInsight processing
With Christmas closing in I must have done something right because I have been given several cold and clear nights
I consider myself to be a beginner when it comes to image processing and I’m always looking for tutorials, tips
I must say that I’m happy with the observatory due to the fact that the equipment is always ready to
I finally had some clear nights and I’ve been able to use my observatory to capture data on several objects.
The astro dark period per night is quickly shrinking here in the northern part of Sweden and that means that
Continue readingHorsehead Nebula in SHO with HA stars and 7,8 hours of data
This is part 4 in my first PixInsight Tutorial series of videos. In this fourth and final video in this
Continue readingPixInsight Tutorial Part 4: Non-Linear Image Processing
This is part 3 in my first PixInsight Tutorial series of videos. In this third video I will show you
Continue readingPixInsight Tutorial Part 3: Linear Image Processing