The Fish Head Nebula, or IC 1795 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cassiopeia, located along the Perseus spiral arm of the Milky Way.

Data for this image was gathered 2024-09-18, 2024-09-29, 2024-09-30, 2024-10-21 and 2024-10-25.
Data for this image: 58x300s S-II, 103x300s Ha, 62x300s O-III.
Total number of exposures 223 with a total integration time of 18,5 hours.
Processing: PixInsight with SHO palette with synthetic RGB stars.
Equipment: SkyWatcher EvoStar 80ED Pro (0,85x FR/FF) and ZWO ASI294MM Pro on SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro with SkyWatcher EvoGuide 50ED and ZWO ASI120MM Mini. ZWO SII, Ha, and OIII filters.
Location: 63 degrees north with a bortle 4 sky.