I find it challenging with phenomena or objects that are limited in such a way that they are only visible during a certain time of the day or year or even a one time thing during my lifetime. Comets count as a member in this category, and they may require a little extra patience and dedication to capture them. Not too often it becomes a question of inconvenient times, as in this case when I got up at 04:30 in the morning to point my telescope to the east.
In this video I will show you how I captured comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) using my monochromatic camera and LRGB filters and processed it using PixInsight.
Data for this image: 10x60s L, 10x60s R, 10x60s G, 10x60s B.
Total number of exposures 40 with a total integration time of 40 minutes.
Processing: PixInsight with LRGB stars.
Equipment: SkyWatcher EvoStar 80ED Pro (0,85x FR/FF) and ZWO ASI294MM Pro on SkyWatcher HEQ5 Pro with SkyWatcher EvoGuide 50ED and ZWO ASI120MM Mini. ZWO LRGB filter.